ELO Backpack 4 VALUE, Android 10 with GMS, Rockchip 3399 Processor13
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ELO Backpack 4 VALUE, Android 10 with GMS, Rockchip 3399 Processor13
Elo Backpack 4 VALUE, Android 10 with GMS, Rockchip 3399 Processor, 4GB RAM, 32GB Flash, HDMI and USB-C out, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth 5.0, EloView compatible, Black, Worldwide
RJ45 (monitory)
Elo Touch Solutions;Veldzigt 2,3454,PW De Meern,Nizozemsko;elosales.emea@elotouch.com
ELO Backpack 4 VALUE, Android 10 with GMS, Rockchip 3399 Processor13
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