APC Easy Rack Fan tray, with single fan
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APC Easy Rack Fan tray, with single fan
Ventilátor instalovatelný do zadních dveří skříně.
The Easy Rack Fan Tray is a low cost solution that aids in heat removal from an Easy Rack.
The fan tray could be easily installed into the rear door and precisely expels heat from the rear of the rack.
The fan tray is designed to promote front to rear airflow within the rack.
výška 17,2 cm
šířka 16,8 cm
hloubka 5,3 cm
hmotnost přístroje 2 kg
The Easy Rack Fan Tray is a low cost solution that aids in heat removal from an Easy Rack.
The fan tray could be easily installed into the rear door and precisely expels heat from the rear of the rack.
The fan tray is designed to promote front to rear airflow within the rack.
výška 17,2 cm
šířka 16,8 cm
hloubka 5,3 cm
hmotnost přístroje 2 kg
Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o.;U Trezorky 921/2,158 00,Praha 5,Česká republika;podpora@schneider-electric.com
APC Easy Rack Fan tray, with single fan
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